Eco4Cloud receives the 2014 Good Energy Award

Eco4Cloud proudly announces it’s been awarded the 2014 Good Energy Award for its commitment to invest and innovate in new markets delivering responsible and tangible impact on the environment and the economy.


The Award is chartered by Bernoni Grant Thornton and is supported by Bosch, Florim, Zucchettiand Universaland enjoys the scientific backing of the Italian Ministry of Environment, ANDAF, Università degli Studi di Trento, Parco Tecnologico Padano, AEIT, Università degli Studi di Milano, Trentino Sviluppo, TIS Innovation Park, GSE, Nuvola Verde, Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli esperti contabili di Milano and Fiper.


The 2014 Good Energy Award is just another testament of the groundbreaking innovation delivered and brought to the market by Eco4Cloud, and adds to the international awards collected by the Company so far, such as the 2013 Bully Award, the UP-START 2012 Award, the Working Capital Award.

«Eco4Cloud is clearly building great momentum around its solutions for Data Center efficiency, and the validations from global industry leaders such as Cisco, HP, Microsoft, Telecom Italia as well as international market analysts such as 451 Research nicely complement the palmarès of prestigious industry awards like this last one» said Roberto Mircoli, Chief Executive Officer at Eco4Cloud.

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