Memory ballooning: our interview on Opvizor

One of the biggest tasks facing system administrators today is finding efficient host memory reclamation techniques to support memory overcommitment. One way to do this is through ballooning and Eco4Cloud has one of the most important software solutions to reduce it.

For this reason, Opvizor has interviewed our CEO and CTO, Raffaele Giordanelli, to know more about how to manage memory ballooning and VM density.

“At Eco4Cloud – Giordanelli said – we built an extensive software suite to automate several aspects of virtualized IT administration and increase performance. For example, with Eco4cloud Smart Ballooning, based on VMware memory reclamation techniques, unused memory of certain VMs can be released to ESXi and can redistributed. With VMware Ballooning, VMs are able to release memory when physical host reaches a hard memory usage threshold (typically 94 percent). On the other hand, with Smart Ballooning, you can reclaim memory continuously, recovering up to 15 percent of RAM memory from each VM”.

Read the full interview